Tuesday, December 7, 2010

L5 Leadership Presentation

Chapter 5 Leadership Presentation

Using Graphical & Power Point for a Leadership Edge
This chapter gives us an insight to the following;
1. Recognize when to use graphics
2. Select & design effective data charts
3. Create meaningful and effective text layouts
4. Employ fundamental graphic content & design principles
5. Make the most of PowerPoint as a design and presentation tools

Further breakdowns of the above insights on this chapter are stated below. 
1) When to use graphics in presentations are as follows;
• Reinforce the message 
• Provide a roadmap to the structure
• Illustrate relationships or concepts visually
• Support an assertion
• Emphasize important ideas
• Maintain and enhance interest

2) When to select and design effective data charts are as follows;
• Pie = Compare proportions and relative amounts
• Bars = Convey absolute value data, relative sizes, or close comparisons
• Step or waterfall = Convey differences
• Histograms = Show  what’s typical or exceptional
• Line = Demonstrate trends or interactions between variables
• Scatter Plot = Illustrate how well one thing predicts another

3) Create meaningful and effective text layouts; it is important that when developing a presentation slide, the text layout is very visible and clear. It is also important that a slide is not heavily populated with too much information.

4) Employ fundamental graphic content & design principles: there are basic tips on how a slide; see below

a) How to design a slide;
• Keep it simple:  Remember “Less is more” 
• Have only one message per slide
• Make sure the slide title captures the “so what?” 
• Select graphics that support the message 
• Use shading to guide audience to the message
• Use animation only if it reinforces the message

b) How to use colors in slides;
• Dark background (dark blue to black)
• White, cream, yellow, or gold font
• Arial or similar sans serif font
• At least 20 point font size for text, depending on size of the room
• 28+ font size for titles, depending on room

c) Colors and fonts to avoid;
• White background
• Black serif font
• All caps in titles or text
• Initial caps except in titles
• Underlining of text
• Red font on blue backgrounds

In summary, the study of this chapter will help improve your power point presentation skills. 

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