Tuesday, December 7, 2010

L3 The language of leader

Chapter 3 The language of leader
For leader, language is a tool of influence, lead and inspire others to take action. The essence of leadership communication is leader’s ability to influence audience positively. Leader needs to understand how to make an effective use of language as well as be confident in using the language. That confidence will resonate in the words and enhance his/her influence with all targeted audiences.
In this chapter, we are learning that in order to project a confident tone, leader needs to possess confident in both knowledge on the subject and in his/her ability to capture the content in the right words used in the right way. It is very important to know how best to use language for positive impact and to avoid a style that might create any negative responses in audiences. Leader needs to know how audiences perceived his/her writing style and tone. The more we can anticipate the audience’s response and hear how we sound to others, the better we will be able to control our tone and use it effectively to influence audiences.
Furthermore, besides creating a positive ethos, in order to make the language a positive tool in persuading others, make them trust and believe in his/her words, leader needs to make your communicating style persuasive, forceful and concise. Having said that, there are rules for writing style leaders can follow to make their communication not too wordy or too vague for audiences; the communication has to be meaningful and make a connection to audiences. Therefore, to develop effective communication, leader needs time to practice and learn how to develop the correct use of communication.
At last, most importantly before communicating words we prepare to audiences, leaders need to make an edit and proofread several times for the best communication. Read back over what you write to ensure that the words are clear and correct. 

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