Tuesday, December 7, 2010

N12 Best practices in Negotiations

Chapter 12 Best practices in Negotiations
This chapter examines various aspects of a growing field of negotiation that explores the complexities of international and cross-cultural negotiation. International negotiation has become the norm rather than an exotic activity that only occasionally occurs. It begins with two important factors that make the international negotiation different. They are environmental context and immediate context. Both of them have the significant effect on the processes of international negotiation. The chapter discusses how to conceptualizing culture and introduce two approaches to examine it. One is to understand the values and norms of culture and another is to understand all cultures contain dimensions. It illustrates the effect of culture on negotiation outcomes, negotiation process, and negotiator cognition and negotiator ethics.

L12 Leading through Effective External Relations

Chapter 12 Leading through Effective External Relations

In this chapter we will learn to do developing an external relations strategy. Leading through effective external relations points out that a positive public image or reputation affects a company’s ability to achieve success. It provides approaches to projects a positive image in public from four aspects. First, there are seven steps to guide you in addressing the entire range of external audiences. Second, leaders of organizations must have high consciousness to building and maintaining a positive corporate image. Third, good relationship with the news media also can bring a positive effect on corporation because the news is an important media to publicize the company’s reputation. Final, every company will face the crisis. The fact shows that positive relationship with the media can make it easier in managing the crisis.

N11 International Cross Culture Negotiation

Chapter 11 International Cross Culture Negotiation

This chapter examines various aspects of a growing field of negotiation that explores the complexities of international and cross-cultural negotiation. International negotiation has become the norm rather than an exotic activity that only occasionally occurs. It begins with two important factors that make the international negotiation different. They are environmental context and immediate context. Both of them have the significant effect on the processes of international negotiation. The chapter discusses how to conceptualizing culture and introduce two approaches to examine it. One is to understand the values and norms of culture and another is to understand all cultures contain dimensions. It illustrates the effect of culture on negotiation outcomes, negotiation process, and negotiator cognition and negotiator ethics.

L11 Leadership Through Strategic Internal Communication

Chapter 11 Leadership Through Strategic Internal Communication

This chapter focuses on establishing leadership through communicating effectively with an organization’s internal audiences. It describes the strategic role employee communication can play by ensuring that employees are well informed and, therefore, positioned to contribute to the success of the organization.
The leader in this situation will be inspiring cultural change, a transformation in the way group decision makers think about their own operations and behave toward other group leaders.
Communication helps shape the culture of any organization, and effective internal communication is absolutely essential to bring about any transformation in that culture.
In Conclusion, from the day-to-day exchanges to the major efforts associated with organizational change, internal communication is important to success of any organization. The strategy for internal communication consists of the basic components of any effective communication strategy, such as audience analysis, targeted messages, and appropriate media, but it is also much more than processes and products. Leaders need all their leadership communication abilities to inspire, motivate, and guide employees to support their visions and their goals for the organization.

N10 Multiple parties and teams

Chapter 10 Multiple parties and teams

Multiple parties and teams in this chapter, we examine how dynamics change when groups, teams, and task forces have to present individual views and come to a collective agreement about a problem, plan, or future course of action.
One theme that runs through all forms of multiparty negotiation is the need to actively monitor and manage negotiation process situations that are significantly more complex than two-party negotiations. There is a brief set of questions that any participant in negotiations involving coalitions, multiple parties, or teams should keep in mind:
:  What are the consequences of the parties failing to agree due to the increased complexities? What happens if there is no agreement?
:  How will the parties involved actually make a decision? That is, what decision rules will be used? Why are these the best possible rules?
: How can the parties use iterations-multiple rounds of discussion-to achieve their objectives?
: Do we need a designated chair or facilitator? Should it be a neutral outsider, or can one of the parties fill this role? What tactics can a facilitator use to manage group process in order to ensure that the best decision is reached?

L10 High-performance team leadership

Chapter 10 High-performance team leadership
            In this chapter, we learn that, because teams are so commonly found in most organizations today, there is need for managers to learn how best to work with teams and to help ensure that teams perform at their peak.
            There is need for careful thought to be put into deciding whether to form a team for a particular purpose to meet a particular need, or to work through individuals acting alone and once the decision to form a team is made, there is need to ensure that the team has focus and delivers the results for which it was formed.
            Managers need to understand the people side of teams and learn how to address issues such as cultural differences, different personality types within the group and varying expectations of members from the team and the team experience.
            In the organized private sector here in Nigeria, there is a prevalence of teams in many organizations. There are sales teams, marketing teams; production teams etc. focused on helping organizations achieve their set goals and objectives. Hence, understanding team dynamics is crucial to one’s success as a manager.

N9 Relationships in Negotiation

Chapter 9 Relationships in Negotiation
Negotiation is about the relationship between two or more parties. Those relationship always affect the negotiation process. Here are several ways that an existing relationship context changes negotiation dynamics. First, negotiating within relationships takes place over time. It is a way to learn more about the other party and increase interdependence. Relation of simple distributive issues has implications for the future and it can be emotionally hot. Negotiating within relationships may never end. In many negotiations, the other person is the focal problem and in some negotiations, have relationship preservation
Key elements in managing negotiations within relationships are reputation, trust, and justice. First, reputation is how other people remember their past experience with you. Second, trust is an individual’s belief in and willingness to act on the words, actions and decisions of another. Final, the third major issue in relationships is the question of what is fair or just.
Those three elements in relationships interaction in shaping expectations of the other’s behavior. They are all central to relationship negotiations and feed each other, we cannot understand negotiation within complex relationships without prominently considering how we judge the other on these dimensions.